Member Hotline 1800 808 614

Australian Food Super

annual reports

Contact Australian Food Super

annual reports

Contact Australian Food Super

We’re here to help

Australian Food Super
Locked Bag 5390
Parramatta NSW 2124

Street Address:
Parramatta Square
Level 22, Tower 6
10 Darcy Place
Parramatta NSW 2150


Member Hotline
Toll Free: 1800 808 614
  – 8.30am-6.30pm EST Monday to Friday
Fax: 1300 855 378

Have a complaint?

Australian Food Super has an Internal Dispute Resolution process to deal with complaints by members and beneficiaries. You are encouraged to provide us with the opportunity to deal with your complaint prior to referring it to an External Dispute Resolution body.

Complaints may be made by emailing You can also make a complaint in writing or over the phone using the contacts listed above. The preference is that complaints are in writing detailing the subject of the complaint and the expected resolution.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours (or one business day), and will try to resolve the complaint and provide a response as soon as possible. Sometimes we may take a little bit longer to reply as we need to investigate the reasons for your complaint in more detail.

By law we must provide a response within a maximum of 45 days EXCEPT for complaints related to death benefit claims which must be responded to within a maximum of 90 days.

If you are not satisfied with our action or response to a complaint, or we have not provided a response within the above timeframes, you may refer the matter to an External Dispute Resolution body. Click here for information.

Client services

Our Client Services team are on the road and more than happy to help over the phone or face-to-face where possible.

Senior Business Development Manager

Robert Wilson

Robert joins Australian Food Super with a long heritage in superannuation, assisting businesses and organisations to evolve, adapt and grow within their everchanging operating environment. Robert is responsible for ensuring continued growth for the Fund, driving business within the Australian meat industry and from new markets within the wider Australian food production sector. Robert holds a Diploma of Financial Planning, Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and is passionate about helping employers improve the financial well-being of their employees.

Mobile:0460 960 636


Client Service Manager - QLD

Rob Wickham

Rob brings experience from his background in education and 15 years in financial advice and superannuation, to the Client Services Manager role. Rob is passionate about helping members to better understand their super and make informed financial decisions that can lead to improved financial outcomes and greater certainty.

Mobile:0407 919 796

Client Service Manager - VIC, SA, WA & TAS

Glen Pearson

Glen has had nearly 35 years’ experience in the financial sector, mostly in banking and more recently with a superannuation industry fund. He is passionate about assisting and educating members regarding their superannuation and gets great satisfaction out of helping people.

Mobile:0418 285 649

Client Service Manager - NSW

Justine Hayes

Justine has worked in the superannuation industry for over 18 years. Previous roles have included working with financial advisers for one of Australia’s largest retail superannuation funds and educating members for a major industry fund. Justine is committed to helping members understand how super works and assisting them to maximise their superannuation and live a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. She holds a Diploma in Financial Services (Superannuation) and is RG146 compliant.

Mobile:0409 907 408