Member Hotline 1800 808 614

Australian Food Super
Australian Food Super

Your insurance options

Australian Food Super

Your insurance options

Protection for your future

Your super is a great way to finance your future. Insurance is the way you can help protect that future.

Over 25 with an account balance over $6000

If you are over 25 with an account balance over $6000, you will most likely have received automatic insurance cover. You can check your level of cover at any time through MemberAccess. If you would like to increase your level of cover, you will need to complete the relevant insurance application form available here. If you would like to cancel your cover, you can do so by calling us on 1800 808 614 or email

Under 25 and/or have an account balance less than $6000 – Opt in to insurance

From 1 April 2020 super funds can only provide automatic insurance to members who are 25 years of age or older and have an account balance of $6,000 or more. However, you can opt in to have insurance cover earlier than this by letting us know. You can do that on the Insurance opt-in page by selecting the type(s) of insurance cover you want. For more information, please read our Insurance Guide or scroll down to read more frequently asked questions.

Opt in to insurance

You can opt in to insurance online.

Alternatively, download the opt in insurance form and send it to us. You can also email us at or call us on 1800 808 614.


Call 1800 808 614 or email
to initiate a claim.


Do I need insurance cover?

The right level of insurance cover can help you and your loved ones with unexpected costs during difficult times. It is important to consider what types and level of insurance cover would be appropriate to help you and your family financially if illness or injury was to prevent you from working or you were to pass away. You should also think about whether you would be able to get the same types of cover outside the superannuation environment and how much insurance cover costs. If you need help understanding your options, contact the Member Hotline on 1800 808 614.

What is Life Insurance cover?

Life insurance pays an insured amount to your beneficiaries when you die.

Life Insurance cover with Australian Food Super is provided in units of cover. The amount of cover depends on age at the time of a claim and occupational status of the person insured.

The default level of Life Insurance cover provided is two units. Please refer to our Insurance Guide for full details, costs and the amount of cover provided.

What is Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover?

TPD Insurance is a lump sum payment you receive if it’s determined that you have been totally and permanently disabled and are permanently unable to work in any occupation.

TPD Insurance cover with Australian Food Super is provided in units of cover. The default level of TPD insurance cover provided is one unit. Please note that TPD Insurance cover must be taken in conjunction with Life Insurance cover and cannot be held on its own. Please refer to our Insurance Guide for full details, costs and the amount of cover provided.

What is Income Protection?

Income Protection covers you for sickness or injury which prevents you from being able to work in your current occupation for up to 2 years. It is made as a regular payment that stops when you go back to work.

The way it works is that if you make a successful claim, then you will be paid a regular income that stops after two years or when you go back to work, whichever occurs first.

Please read the Insurance Guide for more details.

Need advice?

If you are unsure about whether insurance is appropriate for you, we encourage you to seek professional financial advice. You can contact our advisers here or call us on 1800 808 614. Further information about insurance in superannuation is also available on ASIC’s MoneySmart website: